Entao hj e um dos dias q eu to me preparando pra dois testes e tenho mais mil deveres pra fazer....aquelas coisas basicas de faculdade sabe??pois e...estou bem estressada, e daqueles dias q eu me pergunto pq eu tive filho antes de terminar a escola,poxa eu nao podia ter esperado um pouquinho mais???...espero q minha mae nao veja esse post pra nao jogar na minha cara q me avisou....mas BICHOOOO q frustante e vc tentar estudar e ter uma crianca gritando do seu lado e pedindo a tua atencao enquanto vc ta lendo alguma coisa,ou fazendo teste ou qq dever...apesar de eu acordar cedo e nao estar fazendo nada em casa (cozinhando e limpando e dona do meu proprio negocio!helooooouuuu vou enlouquecer) a 2-3 dias...mesmo assim 24 hrs nao e o suficiente....afffffffffffffffffffffff...so um desabafo mm....Por favor nao pense q eu nao amo minha filha nem q eu nao me sinto mal por nao poder apenas brincar com ela o dia inteiro...Ai ai....estou me sentindo mesmo ingrata....
So, today is one of those days that I've been trying to prepare for two exams and I have nother 20000 things to do for school. I'm really stressed, it's one of those times I wonder why I had a child while going to school. I mean really, could I not have waited a little longer? AHHHHHH, have you ever had a screaming child by your side asking fo attention or wanting to play with te lap top you're doing homework while you are in the middle of an important reading or quiz???that's usually how my day goes, and I fell awful for not having enough time to play and just BE with my little girl without worrying about tons of assigments I have to turn in every day. I have wondered if I coudl hanle no sleep, but that doesn't work, so I keep waking up early and going to bed early but the 24 hours just seem to be too short!!! (plus I haven't been doing any cleaning and cooking in the past 2-3 days, my house is pure hell and I still can't get things done, how about that plus a business owner huh??)
So I just needed to vent...I hope I don't make u fell like I don't love my little one, it just gets too hard managing all that I have with a child. Oh boy...how ungrateful I am....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A new semester...
Entao so rapidinho pra vcs saberem o que anda acontecendo na nossa vida. Isabelle esta linda e saudavel, falando o seu "hebreu" diariamente e se divertindo com a gente, ela adora neve,nos e q nao deixamos ela brincar mto tempo la fora...ela e com certeza nossa batatinha rexburguiana,pq adora o frio (ate onde a gente ve hj em dia). Eu e Mathew comecamos mais um semestre na BYUI. Eu adoro me apresentar como uma "senior" nas minhas aulas...semestre q vem o meu tao amado bacharel em Saude Publica-Ciencias da Saude. Tenho professores maravilhosos e minhas materias parecem bem legais, estou fazendo uma aula de Advanced first aid, environmental health,community health,medical terminology e microbiology=15 creditos=loucura=preciso organizar minha vida e horarios. O Plano e acordar todos os dias as 5 da manha,mas vamos ver se eu consigo manter esse ritmo nos proximos 3 meses.
Nesse ano temos mtos planos,mas o principal e sobrevivermos pra nossa formatura. Estamos mto felizes e batalhando bastante pra melhorar nossa vida e crescer pessoalmente e como uma familia.
A Carol e Patricia estaod e volta e estava na hora ja de termos amigas tao divertidas por perto,ng bate aquelas duas,elas sao demais.
FAMILIA- Esperamos q todos estejam bem e sentimos saudades de vcs no Brasil.
So, now my english version. Isabelle is growing really fast and she really enjoys playing and being happy. She keeps practicing her jeebrish and she's doind fabulous at it. We are certain we have a little potato spud at home because she loveeesssss the cold and snow of Rexurg, we are the ones that try to keep her home warm and wrapped all day so we don't have to be outside with her too long. Mathew and I have started a new semester and we are already going crazy. I think I have pretty good teachers and some interesting classes to handle too. I'm taking environmental health, community health, advanced first aid, microbiology and medical terminology= 15 credits=craziness= i need to prganize my time. The plan is to wake up at 5 am every day to be able to handle it all gracefully, let's see if I'm able to keep it up for the entire semester.
We are overall very happy and satisfy with our lives, trying to be better individuals and a better family. We are excited for this new year and the new adventures we will encounter.
FRIENDS- I hope all of you are doing great and we miss u wherever you are,some far and some close to us.
Barb & cia
Nesse ano temos mtos planos,mas o principal e sobrevivermos pra nossa formatura. Estamos mto felizes e batalhando bastante pra melhorar nossa vida e crescer pessoalmente e como uma familia.
A Carol e Patricia estaod e volta e estava na hora ja de termos amigas tao divertidas por perto,ng bate aquelas duas,elas sao demais.
FAMILIA- Esperamos q todos estejam bem e sentimos saudades de vcs no Brasil.
So, now my english version. Isabelle is growing really fast and she really enjoys playing and being happy. She keeps practicing her jeebrish and she's doind fabulous at it. We are certain we have a little potato spud at home because she loveeesssss the cold and snow of Rexurg, we are the ones that try to keep her home warm and wrapped all day so we don't have to be outside with her too long. Mathew and I have started a new semester and we are already going crazy. I think I have pretty good teachers and some interesting classes to handle too. I'm taking environmental health, community health, advanced first aid, microbiology and medical terminology= 15 credits=craziness= i need to prganize my time. The plan is to wake up at 5 am every day to be able to handle it all gracefully, let's see if I'm able to keep it up for the entire semester.
We are overall very happy and satisfy with our lives, trying to be better individuals and a better family. We are excited for this new year and the new adventures we will encounter.
FRIENDS- I hope all of you are doing great and we miss u wherever you are,some far and some close to us.
Barb & cia
Thursday, January 1, 2009
REVEILLON 2009!!!!
ok....So here's jus a preview of New Year's Eve at Rosemary's house....We'll start with Mat, Izzy and the ballons, she loved them...
Aki so um pedacinho da noite de reveillon na casa da Rosemary, comecemos com o Mathew e a Bebelle e os baloes...ela ficou doida com eles....
Mais uma dos lindinhos da minha vida...
Another one of my loving hubby and beautiful daughter!!
She loves playing with her daddy...IN Brazil we have a tradition of using white for New Year's eve, a representation of bringing peace for the year to come...
Ela AMA brincar com o pai dela....
Unica foto minha....com a minha nova franja...na verdade era pra ficar de lado,mas deu pra colocar de frente e todo mundo adorou,eu q me sinto hiper 3a serie com ela....e tentei tb a maioria da roupa branca,mas sabe como branco nao favorece os mais voluptious neh??hahahaha, entao eu me limitei a parte de cima branca. :)
Here's probably one of the only pics of me with my new hair...Everyone loves my new bang, on the other hand I feel a little childish with it, but I think it's just a matter of getting used to it. Also I tried to wear mostly white, which is kinda of tricky for the more voluptious people like me....(it makes u look bigger,so I limited myself to the upper part of my body dressed in white)
HAPPY 2009!!!!!!!May all your goals come to life and the Lord bless you with health,love and loved ones nearby!!!
FELIZ 2009!!!!!!Que todos os seus objetivos se realizem e q o Senhor possa abencoa-los com saude, amor e pessoas queridas proximas de vcs....e que venha 2009!!!!!!!!
PS: this is my graduation year!!!!!!!!!
Aki so um pedacinho da noite de reveillon na casa da Rosemary, comecemos com o Mathew e a Bebelle e os baloes...ela ficou doida com eles....
Another one of my loving hubby and beautiful daughter!!
Ela AMA brincar com o pai dela....
Here's probably one of the only pics of me with my new hair...Everyone loves my new bang, on the other hand I feel a little childish with it, but I think it's just a matter of getting used to it. Also I tried to wear mostly white, which is kinda of tricky for the more voluptious people like me....(it makes u look bigger,so I limited myself to the upper part of my body dressed in white)
FELIZ 2009!!!!!!Que todos os seus objetivos se realizem e q o Senhor possa abencoa-los com saude, amor e pessoas queridas proximas de vcs....e que venha 2009!!!!!!!!
PS: this is my graduation year!!!!!!!!!
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