Wednesday, October 13, 2010

we belong....

Since we have no pictures on the computer I must just give you all the summary of the weekend. Tuesday was "children's day"in Brazil, therefore a holiday ans since brazilians can never get enough of days off , a lot of places extended the holiday and allowed their employees to miss Monday as well- including Mat's job. The only thing they do is ask the employees to stay 6 minutes over their normal work schedule in order to make it up over a period of time. He's been working for over a month now and it has happened twice already. There's another once coming up in November :) hooray for brazilian holidays :)

So we went to Botucatu which is 2 hours away from where we live- still in the state of Sao Paulo. Anyways, the good news is that Mat and I decided we are country people. Our goal is to have a place where we can have 1 cow, 1 horse and some chicken. We loved the sunsets, the sunrise and everything about a "rural city" much like our beloved Rexburg. Of couse we want to have access to a big city. We love cities too, but we have talked about how it would be such a learning experience for us and for the kids to have that exposure to nature. We love the nature, we love being out and it's funny how we learned that about ourselves after moving to a concrete jungle.

We lived in Rexburg for almost 7 years and we only learned that about ourselves after we moved out. Isn't that interesting? I'm excited about our finding and excited to be able to accomplish that goal in the future. We'll see if all works out:)

Anyway, we had fun and came back to come....I'm going to my mother's tomorrow and we will be able to upload pictures

Hope all is well with all of you

cheers :)


Mama Baer | said...

Ai mas eu nao tenho vontade NENHUMA de ter uma vaca, um cavalo e principalmente galinhas. Just the tought de ter que entrar dentro de um galinhas e pegar os ovos me deixa toda cheia de nojinho! hahaha I'm a city girl through and through. Not a big city (tipo NY os SP)Mas city, com shoppings, calcada de concreto, transito, shopping mall, hiper mercados e etc.! hahahahah
Acho que o mais perto da vida rural que eu chegaria seria um fim de semana em um hotel fazenda... isso eu curto. Mas so. hahahah

Mas que bom que vcs curtem, e que descobriram isso... e com certeza vcs chegam la...
something to look foward to! ;o)

Jen said...

Hey Barbara, I'm glad to hear you and your family are doing well! It all sounds so adventurous. I can't believe how big your baby girl is, it seems just last week she was blessed. Congrats on the new job, what a blessing.


Babi vem morar em Itatiba. Aqui é considerado o melhor ar puro do Brasil. Pelo menos era até estes dias hahahaha.
É pertinho de Campinas(30 minutos) e 1 hora de São Paulo.Meu epsoso trabalha em São Paulo e vai todo dia de fretado. Outra coisaaaa as casas aqui são mais em conta do que na capital.Bora vir pra k, que tal?!?!?!

Audrey Holjeson said...

Babi, quando que voce vai postar fotos aqui?!?!? Suas meninas devem estar crescendo muito! E pelas fotos que consegui ver, elas estao mto fofas!!! Que bom saber que as coisas estao bem por aih...Saudades de voces!!! E agora pode check que eu vou voltar a ativa no meu blog! Tava mais do que na hora, neh?!

Aline Carson said...

Nossa col, concordo com a Anna..heheh. Eu tb não gosto de super big cities mas gosto de city com mall (principalmente) e outras coisas. Mas tb gosto de morar num lugar que seja tranquilo com o "feel" de small city mas que tenha tudo por perto, como é aqui em pleasant grove. Mas col, tb não dá pra vc só ter uma vaca, vc precisa de mais de uma vaca e tb precisa de mais de um cavalo..hehehe...E as galinhas é só pelos ovos ou pra vc torcer o pescoço e fazer chicken nuggets tb? hehehe...Just teasing. Minha cunhada que mora na Inglaterra mora num lugar no meio do nada (mas que é lindo) e tem um monte de galinhas e ovos que não acabam mais..hehehe. Vc devia falar com ela. hahah...
Mas é isso, eu quero evr as fotosssss!! Beijos