Friday, December 11, 2009

What we've been up to...

SO, life has been interesting for us. We have had a lot going on. Mathew is looking for jobs and masters degrees to apply to. We have not been able to sit down and talk about it yet. Our routine pretty much has been: take care of the kids all day (sometimes work meanwhile),he gets home I go out to exercise and come back with the 2 bathed girls,he leaves for the library, I feed them and put them to bed and then I get to clean the house and eat and take a shower...sometimes do other things like watch a movie(did that once), or do my nails....or just go to bed....this is routine....I've only been exercising for a couple of days,but it feels great already, I needed it. Since I'm talking about it we are going to changing things around here. I'm actually making this blog private,so if you want to be part of it,leave me ur email as a comment and I will add you (even if you don't have a blog,a I need your email). Now I have a blog that is going to help me through my weight loss journey. It a touchy feely subject for me, but I wanted to put myself out there in order to confirm the commitment that I want to take seriously and go till the end. So I need all the help I can get. If you'd like to help me thru this change please feel free to do so. The link is

The girls are doing awesome and growing like a weed. Izzy is talking her elbows off and Bea is wiggly and loud booing and smiling that cute teethless gum of hers. It's AMAZING to me how much they are changing and learning and I cannot believe I am a mom of two I was thinking I'd like to have a little boy. I'd like to have babies that are 1 year apart, but I need to lose weight and take care of myself before I think about 'breeding' any more people into this world, hahahahahaha

The girls are really entertaining and I'm trying to be better and more patient with Izzy...she drives me nuts, but I realized it's because she's so much like me, which then lead me to think I don't want me and mom's story to happen with her too (two very much alike people butting heads all the time). So I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and that I can make this thing private asap :)

cheers :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Life as a single mom....for three days... :)

So, I'm trying to survive 3 days without Mathew. First cuz i miss him too much and second because he helps me out a bunch with the girls. I have been working and being a mom this week. I had to go back to work to finish my internship this semester. It's been really fun though I love what I do and more and more I know I need to do a masters...I'm just researching programs that will allow me to go VERY part time. Like one class per semester, everything is still up in the air though.

Mat is in San Jose and loving his experience, he has visited a ton of nice companies there...we'll see how it goes and where it goes from here...

Tomorrow I work early morning again so I gotta go...just wanted to do a quick upload, cuz I'm always so bad at blogging about life....

Btw, girls are great. Izzy is talking and repeating things a ton, she's starting to do 2-3 words sentences. It's adorable. Bia is chubby!10 lbs already, we're starting to see rolls on her and she's on the 90% percentile for her weight....Izzy was definitely not like that...but I looooooove my chubby baby...I have to say I was afraid of not loving her as much as I love Izzy...but that was stupid because I love both of them just as much....cannot see life without my girls!they are perfect!

So hope everyone is all right and I will post again soon...PICTURES!!hooray!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

FOTOS e terrible 2's....

Not a good pic, but you can see her gorgeous lips....good genetic makeup from mommy :D
Our home really clean, please disregard the orange decorative pillows, they don't match our new decoration....soon we'll have some new a pretty ones...
Painting with Izzy...
Her beautiful hair, I wish it would stay like that, but we have no blondes in our family, so I'm sure i will get darker....she will still be perfect though!
My little brunnette, still jaudiced, she's much better now...
Izzy e papai brincando....o Mathew e tao bom pai...e marido....e tudo...ele e perfeito!
Piercing her ears....notice how she had no idea what was coming...she was 5 days old and we went to Walmart to get it done, I was freaking out to get her out of there ASAP cuz I didn't want any diseases around her, but I SO wanted her to look like a girl....we did it fast and no diseases came of it...and plus she looked adorable with earrings on....
My little newborn...they are SO Little.....
Izzy squeezing her little sis...she does it every day....this is a resilient girl- i have to say!
Izzy is in her terrible twos!I know they called it for a reason, but I now know why!If you think your child is hard at 1 wait until she turns 2 MUCH WORSE!!!!Izzy was a piece of cake at age 1!!!! She now only goes to bed after we reason with her. She cannot answer back,but she won't quit "talking" until we give her a good reason to go to bed. I just put her down for a nap and had to tell her that mommy and baby were going to sleep(I'm not) and that after she woke up we would go for a ride in the new stroller with the baby. She was quiet after that. At night we also have to give her a good excuse, like: "it's time to rest your body so we can play tomorrow, we have played a lot today and everyone is going to bed tired". She won't settle for just a good night. But she still sleeps well. Let's see how long this will last.

I have been really enjoying having two kids...not easy work,especially because Bia takes SO MUCH of my time just cluster feeding, but it's totally worth it, because they are my life!

I'm transferring some pics right now to our computer so I can upload some more recent ones....I'll get them here soon....

Thanks for all the comments, I really enjoy coming here and the support we get...we love you guys!


Thursday, October 1, 2009


Beatriz Costa Pretel nasceu as 11:44 pm no dia 30/9/2009. Parto normal (aka sem anestesia, uhuuuuuu).
Eu to bem cansada,mas so queria avisar q ela esta aqui e bem saudavel e estamos mto felizes e q dps vamos colocar fotos (olhem no facebook e orkut da minha familia), pq no hospital eles bloqueiam facebook e eu to sem cabo de passar as fotos pela maquina. :D

Ela nasceu com 7.4 lbs e 18.5 inches. Menor q a Isabelle. Eu levei 4 pontos e estou super bem....o pos parto esta sendo otimo.

Estaremos no hospital ate amanha. Dps daremos mais noticias.

Bjao a todos e obrigada pela torcida e oracoes. Nos somos mto gratos por vcs.... :D

Babi e cia

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ultimas noticias rapidinho...

OK so rapidinho pra nao dizer q eu nunca passo aqui. Estou com 37 semanas e nao aguentando mais o barrigao...esta barrigao mesmoooooooooooooooooo
Hj eu to cuidando de um menino q e mais velho q a Isabelle,filho de uma amiga minha e ele e Bebelle estao dormindo (GRACASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) os dois se estapiaram a manha inteira..foi engracado pra nao dizer tragico,eles querem os mesmo brinquedos ne?e nem da pra distrair,pq os dois sao da mesma idade e se interessam pela mesma coisa....ainda tentamos,mas eu tirei umas fotos da Bebelle massacrando o menino (mas eu nao deixei nao,era so pra foto...)
Uma coisa e verdade: ELA SABE SE DEFENDER,neguinho q for bater nela vai levar na orelha tb,ela ate pegou uma pedaco de ferro e veio correndo atras do menino q nem cassetete,nao q eu achei bonito,mas tive q me conter pra nao rir na frente me pergunto aonde as criancas aprendem essas coisas neh? a Isabelle nunca apanhou e nem vai apanhar pq eu sou contra essas coisas,ela ja nasceu violentinha.... :)

A casa esta arrumada,as roupas lavadas e minhas costas podres so a espera dessa menininha q nao chega...vamos torcer pra ver se ela chega logo neh??

By the way to fazendo hipnobabies e adorando,a bagaca me relaxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,e uma delicia....sabado eu tenho medico,minha midwife disse q a Bee ta grande ja...entao vamos ver se continua assim neh??ela so nao vai nascer menor q e a Isabelle,nao tem como,pq eu sinto ela maior q a bebelle.....vamos ver....

E como vcs andam?mandem noticias!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Entao dps de mto tempo,finalmente posso dizer com todas as letras ESTOU FORMADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E ate meio estranho nao ter deveres e projetos q eu tenho q terminar...parece tudo surreal....estou mto feliz,mas ainda nao caiu a ficha.
Enquanto eu nao crio coragem pra limpar a casa e arrumar tudo pra Beatriz,eu fico lesando com a Isabelle e me preocupando com o meu business. Tenho metas bem especificas pro proximo ano. Agora estou com tanta coisa pra fazer,nessa quinta vamos faxinar a casa inteira,mas so de saber q eu posso finalmente me dedicar a minha casa e familia,estou totalmente aliviada. Como diz a minha amiga Taina, a vida muda mtooo e fica bem melhor dps q a gente se forma (nao poderia concordar mais plenamente com ela)...o maldito do meu curso nao vai me dar dinheiro nenhum,mas pelo menos e o meu papel no mundo....e apesar de tudo amei o q estudei,e nao me arrependo de nada.

Entao e isso. Estou ja com 31 semanas e minha barriga parece q vai cair de tao pesada. Nossa como eu quero q essa nenem saia logo,logico q prefiro q venha no seu tempo e saudavel,mas essa segunda gravidez tem sido bem mais dificil,realmente nao estava a espera. Apesar de tudo,tenho q confessar q me sinto linda. O Mathew me faz sentir linda e eu adoro minha barriga... :D Ela anda pulando e se estrebuxando de um jeito q eu sinto ela direitinho dentro de mim...acho q ela vai ser maior q a Isabelle.

Mas entao e isso,vamos deixando nossas novidades aqui com mais frequencia...e fotos tb....mas agora eu to no lap top e nao tenho nenhuma foto,entao eu posto dps....

bjks a todos...


PS: Eventos em Agosto just for your reference:

4- aniversario da Anna
7- Aniversario da Mel
8-Aniversario do meu amorzao Mathew
12- Niver de 2 anos da Jasmine (e nossa ida pra San Diego pra ver a Patricia e passear por 4 dias...finalmente nosso merecido verao)
14- Niver da minha Col

Thursday, July 2, 2009

FINALLY- The Belly

Entao eu sei q e ridiculo eu estar com 27-28 semanas de gravidez e nunca ter colocado foto da barriga...alias eu acho q nunca tirei mta foto dessa gravidez...espero q a crianca nao se sinta rejeitada,mas e q realmente essa gravidez tem sido MILHOES de vezes mais corrida do q a da Isabelle,entao eu vo ter q compensar com fotos dps q a nossa menininha nascer! Mas entao ai esta...tirei fotos ontem e hj,hj eu tava meio arrumadinha e ontem eu tinha acabado de voltar da jacuzzi com a Bebelle,a gente vai na jacuzzi aqui do predio pra ela cansar bastante,ela dorme super bem...
Por aqui agora estamos de folga,hj foi feriado(trabalhei e tive um teste entao nao conta) e amanha e q realmente eu nao terei nada marcado,estou super feliz,pq esses dias vao ser so Bebelle e familia no geral...vai ser mto bom...amanha vou cortar o cabelo e ficar DIFERENTE e sabado vamos numa feira e ver os fogos de 4 de Julho,independencia americana. :D

Entao enjoy as fotos e logo logo teremos mais desse final de semana q vai ser maravilhoso...(for auns deverezinhos q vou ter q fazer,mas TUDO BEM,pq faltam menos de 3 semanas pra eu me formar pra sempreeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))))))))))

Dps de um feijaozinho preto delicioso...
Esse sorrisinho forcado e lindo demais...
Mais chocolate...
Mais umas de perfil...pra nao ter reclamacao :D

Suja de chocolate, quando eu vi, ela tinha achado um chocolate q minha vo escondeu debaixo de uns papeis perto do computador e tava comendo tudinho....esperta a menina :)Mais panca....
Ela adora uma bolsa...bem perua...
E sempre sorri amarelo assim pras fotos...
Checando o visual antes de sair...
Dps da jacuzzi...

Dps de close....
Nao reparemos a cara por favor...o flsh me fez mto branca....q tristeza :(
O Mathew tirou essa de baixo pra cima,destesto esse angulo,mas da pra ver bem o tamanho da "barriguinha"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Feliz dia dos pais....

Dps de tanto tempo sem dar o ar da graca...estamos de volta pra dar um oi. HJ a homenagem e do papai Mathew. Nossa querido papai heroi, um homem tao maravilhoso q eu nunca vi igual sempre quis me casar com um homem q tivesse as boas qualidades do meu avozinho Flavio e nao e q acertei na mosca??Ele e super trabalhador e dedicado e um otimo pai,mto amoroso e preocupado, sempre se sacrificando e esforcando pela familia. OBRIGADA PAPAI MATHEW!!!E agora papai de duas menininhas ja neh??ficando ja mais responsavel,afinal de contas,dois ja e mais responsabilidade ainda :)
Ele ganhou um super cafe da manha,com um cartao do super homem com musica e pra fechar com chave de ouro um certificado pra uma sessao de uma hora de massagem...pense num papai q nao sei quao feliz eu to de deixar um massagista tocar nele,massssss,tudo em nome do amor e de ajudar meu amorzinho a relaxar...ele tem sido fantastico me ajudando a trabalhar,cuidar da casa e cuidar da Bebelle tb ainda mais com os meus loucos 16 creditos.....em 4 semanas estara tudo acabado,e ai serei uma pessoa totalmente livre e mais amigavel talvez...hehehehehehe

Bom,tb quero agradecer meu papai por tudo q ele fez por mim e por me amar e ser um grande amigo. Ontem aconteceu uma coisa mto engracada,ligaram pra ele no celular dele e falaram q estavam com a filha dele e q se ele nao mandassem dinheiro eles iriam cortar a minha cabeca e mandar pelo correio,como bateu um leve desespero de inicio,meu pai falou "Barbara vc foi assaltada??" ai o cara falou "E sim,eu to aqui com a Barbara e tinha uma mulher no fundo gritando" ai dps meu pai pensou melhor e minha mae do lado dando um apoio moral e pensaram, como q um assaltante de SP tem a minha filha q mora em Rexburg...lembrando a todos q meus pais mudaram pra SP-terrinha infernal pra assaltos e etc...meus pais estao la a alguns meses e aconteceu ja isso,e roubaram e estragaram a porta do carro do meu pai pra ver se tinha alguma coisa dentro- detalhes a parte, so sei q dps o negocio ficou engracado,meu pai disse q so tinha 100 reais e o cara falou q queria 100.000 reais. Eu vo te falar eu tenho uma raiva de marginal q faz essas coisas com a familia dos outros....e se fosse verdade??de onde q meus pais tirariam 100.o00 reais?vontade de matar um sujeito desse com o cassetete. Ai quando ele falou 100.000 meu pais falou "o q??c ta doido??c vc vier na minha carteira eu tenho 4 reais!!" o cara falou "se ta de brincadeira comigo meu??eu vo machucar a sua familia e bla bla bla" sei q nessas horas e q da vontade de virar Jack Bauer e sair metralhando essa galera q pensa em fazer maldade com a familia dos outros por dinheiro (Alguem ja assistiu 24?)
Entao Pai- EU TE AMO, Apesar de vc so ter 4 reais pra pagar pelo meu resgate!! :D hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....mas de verdade, vc e meu heroi,te amo mto e me orgulho mto de vc. Todo o seu sacrificio pela familia e sempre tentando fazer o seu melhor. Nao conheco pai melhor q vc,e sou grata por ter vc na minha vida!!!!!

E pra todos os papais um grande bjo e obrigada por todo o esforco q fazem pelos seus pimpolhos....

Especial pro papai mathew e papai ronaldo....

Babi, Isabelle e nenem sem nome ainda Pretel

Monday, April 27, 2009

Good-bye seems to be the hardest word!!

So after a long break from blogging I wanted to take a minute to post some pictures and say hello. I miss coming here seeing the comments and seeing other people's blogs. So life keeps going and I am back for my last semester in college. I walked April 10th when both my parents were here and it was a lot of fun and very motivating. I love school, I love learning and I especially love BYU-Idaho. It is seriously the best school in the world for me. I'm so glad I come here and I've experienced the things that I did.

Also my mom left this morning back to Brazil, this post is dedicated to her and for her goodness of coming here and helping me out,especially at the end of last semester (it was tough) and I feel so much more secure about leaving her with her, not because I don't trust other people, but because I know she does not think that taking care of Izzy is a burden and she really enjoys the time so much. I don't like making people tired and dread helping me, but I'm sure glad of all the help I've had so far, my parents, Janaina, Anna, Aline, Carol, Regina, Patricia,Helga etc...they sure made it a lot easier for me and have always been so willing to help me even if for a day!

So I'm a little on the blue side today, the house is empty and I lost my biggest helper. I cried all I had to and I'm moving on with school and other things that I need to accomplish this semester. My grandma is coming at the end of May and meanwhile Carol and Regina are going to help me go to school. :)  I sure need to split my diploma between all this big helpers I've had so far.

So, maezinha, obrigada por toda a ajuda,amor,carinho e apoio q me deu esse tempo todo. Obrigada por me ajudar a ser uma melhor mae e pessoa e especialmente obrigada por sempre estar ao meu lado e ser uma grande companheira. Te amo e te admiro muito. Te espero aqui assim que vc puder voltar e ja estou morrendo de saudades!!! Te amo mto mto mto!!! Fique bem!

Other than that life is great, we are expecting another little girl and her name is going to be Beatriz. She's due September 30th, but I'm thinking she will be late. We haven't start any preparations,partly because I have most girly stuff she will need and also because we still have time and I don't seem to be as anxious as I was with Isabelle. We will sure love her any time she decides to com though,hehehehehe.

So I will add the baby counter thingy and I will keep you guys posted. I have lots of pictures to share. Today I'll do some old ones and then keep going to newer stuff. 

Also I need to get some lessons on how to make this blog as cute as Anna's I definetely don't have the patience of interest she has to be so creative and neat, but I will make this a better looking place for all of you. :D

Hope all are doing well and I will stop at blogs to check out how things are.


Babi e cia :)

Isabelle trying to be like her mom

Our family of 4 now :)
My curte little girl!
At last a graduate(almost?)
Almost entire family...
Meus torcedores mais animados...
A proud mommy!
My serious gatinha!
Mommy and I doing girly staff and joking around,hehehe

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is anyone there?

So last time I posted here nobody showed up to say anything i wondered if it was just a boring post....So today I'm hoping to make it more interesting just with pictures, here they go:

She was eating yougurt with jeloo and here's what happened,please notice the pink nails!!!hhahahahaha
I think she was going from upset to lauginh stage which = a little weird face but definetely cute
Aline and the kids
Me and the kids
Jasmine and Izzy lkook so grown up...

She was really thristy after a good spaghetti:
Look at the mess...she's almost eating by herself
We were both getting a pedicure
She has really cure feet and very tiny too
Smiling for the camera, what a big girl!!
So that's it for today...I hope you are all having a great Sunday!!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello and Good-bye....

This is Jasmine before we went out to IF

Best friend from childhood, Jasmine and Isabelle:
My picture perfect bff Aline:
This is when Mel was taking pictures of Aline surprising me at the door step:
This is the hug I gave her after recomposing...hehehehe

So I guess the post today has to be quick and I won't have time to write in portuguese. Most of you understand english anyway, my family comes more for the pictures!!!

So this january, the day I posted my last "post" here on blogspot, my best friend, showed up at my door step. I need to tell you though that she lives in Brazil and I was dumb founded when I sawher's a picture to prove it: 

All my problems went away, I finish my quizzes and tests and assignments and we went out to applebee's: me, Aline(my Bff) and Mel(a great friend from childhood), it was like old times. The three of us lived together(we adopted Mel as she would sleep in our house everyday,instead of her apt) and we had so much fun all the time together. Needless to say we had as much or even more fun after reuniting. Aline has two kids now and I was Izzy and one on the way (by the way for those of you I wasn't able to reach yet, we're expecting another baby in september...what a great way to find out huh??hahahaha) Here is a picture of out fun together:

So she came and went really fast and it was hard to say goodbye at the airport today. My handsome hubby took some pics of that moment....but the camera is in the car and I will post them tomorrow....

I just wanted to register this moment and let her know how importatn she is to my life and how much I need and appreciate her friendship. I love you Aline, thanks for being my best friend, my cousin, the sister I've never had,etc. I appreciate all the memories we've had and the ones we built this month!!(and the ones we'll have in the future) THANKS FOR THE SURPRISE, it was really the surprise of a lifetime. I really wish on everyone that you may have a someone like Aline is your lives. :D

So here I go again on real life....with much more strenght I should add. :D
