Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More about life recently....

Hey Everyone,

So today I felt like writing a little more about our life. I'm in a self-pity mode,so forgive me if I sound ungrateful. I know we have a lot to be thankful for. We have a family that is willing and can help us thru this unemployment situation. I'm sad to say though that it hurts my ego (we shouldn't really have an ego right?it's a form of pride, and no form of pride is a good thing to have- from all that I have studied about it so far...) Well, it does hurt. It makes me upset that I can't go on a date with my hubby, or buy diapers and wipes or anything like that on my own. I just feel plain stupid using my mom's money to buy diapers and other necessities of life. Our savings are gone,for savings as a student is almost a non existing thing, and that's what got into me today. All the expectations that I had that we would graduate and move on to a better life are pretty shattered at this point. I don't know how much we will get paid and I have never lived in Brazil as a home maker, so to say that I am clueless about prices and life in Brazil is an understatement.

Some of you are probably wondering. Is there nothing else u can do to stay? We have tried different venues but we don't feel right about any of them....despite the darkness of leaving the states, at least there is the feeling that we are doing the right thing for us. (notice FOR US, not necessarily other people that have been in the same situation)

Since last post I have been pretty much well and keeping up the faith for a new job and our new life, however we haven't heard anything from any company and it's not because of lack of applying for jobs....Mat is close to reaching 100 companies he has applied for now. Emails back and forth from people we know and lots of prayers later...nothing. I'm sure it's not the time to have our prayers answered then....and my "natural man" is speaking louder than my "faithful man" side therefore the pitiful mood. I wonder all day what we will take to Brazil...where we are gonna live, if I'm gonna have to live with my parents for a long time etc...

There is a nice possibility though. My mom is looking at buying an apartment in Sao Paulo and she mentioned how we could take over their rent if their purchase pans out. It would be nice, cuz I would know the things I would need in her apartment, what I could take and what I would get rid of.

There's so much going on and nothing really substancial to be mentioned...so I guess I just have to keep ya'll informed as we go. For now the only concrete thing we have is the date we are leaving the States. We are leaving April 13th from SLC ...out trip will take less than 20 hours total,which is the advantage of going to SAo Paulo instead of Brasilia (it would take another 8 hours or more, because there are only 2 planes a day from SP to BSB)...it's also a good thing cuz the girls are a handful and so I don't think it would be very pleasent after more than 20 hours. One thing I'm sure, Isabelle is taking some sort of medicine to sleep thru the flights, cuz she CAN'T be awake for most of it....SHE CANNOT or people in the plane will throw me off of there... :) hehehehehehehe

Sooooo....we are leaving in about a month....I can't wait and at the same time I can't even describe how much I hate this whole thing....I guess this is really when the Lord proves us....

Another aspect about leaving that I'm excited other than the fact that we haven't been there as a family in 4 1/2 years is how much good food my daughters are gonna get. Fruits and veggies are going to rule the house and I can't wait...I miss the delicious fruits that we have available at out finger tips :) Bia will start baby food there (I'm waiting until she is 6 months) ,so it's going to be even better for her :)

We'd like to thank all the prayers and comments here....I really appreciate it...and looking at the bright side there's always someone else in a worse situation.....hence the apology from the begginning about being whiny :)

cheers :)


2 + 2+1 = 5 said...

I wanna call you. Send me your number and a good time to chat! Manu

Mama Baer | said...

Babi, assiste esse video:

Eu tenho assistido todo dia.
Espero que ajude :o)

Unknown said...

So, you will be living in Brasilia or Sao Paulo? If it is Brasilia, then I know Bruno's dad (Alexandre) has a lot of connections there... he worked with computers or something like that for a long time there... I don't know if you have talked to Denise and Diogo at all, since they are living there too (I'm sure you already knew that), but if you want, Bruno could ask his dad about a job referral in BSB for Matthew.... just an idea! Let me know, and maybe you could send Matthew's resume so we could pass it along to Alexandre. Bruno's email: nono_pe1@yahoo.com

Rebeca Price said...

Ai Babi, eu iamgino q situacao dificil eh essa. Mas vc eh forte e voces vao passar por isso rapidinho!!!
Menina, e a casa dos seus pasi em Brasilia? eles nao tinham uma casa lah?? perto da sua vo?
Ah, e sobre o voo, tem voo direto de Atlanta pra Brasilia e eh soh 8 horas. Entao nao se engane pensando q daqui rpa frente vc precisa ir pra Sao Paulo e DEPOIS pra brasilia... Eh muito melhor.. Eu amei ter ido direto dessa vez. Fomos SLC- Atlanta-BSB. Foi otimoooo!! embora a rachel nao sossegou e a gente deu benadryl rpa ela e mesmo assim ela queria mexer em tudo no aviao! :( eu quase morri!!!
boa sorte rpa voces. estarei orando!!

2 + 2+1 = 5 said...


I still want to call you. I am sorry I didn't today. My life is too nuts this week!

BUT...this scripture keeps flashing in my mind whenever I think of you...so, I will let you read it and think about it:

1Ne 4:6
"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."

Nephi didn't know how the heck he was going to get those plates. Poor guy, he tried to get them nicely and was robbed of his possessions and smitten by his brothers. But, one thing he knew for sure...he had to get them. He knew that the Lord was with him and that although things didn't go perfectly and easily, he knew they would end up well somehow.

So, he was led by the Spirit...he acted on faith, not knowing how he was going to do it...just that he would.

Does receiving help suck? YES...but, it may be the end to the mean here. Maybe this is the only way the Lord would force you to get back to Brazil. Or maybe it's just speculation on my part...

Is it hard to be like Nephi...you know, move in faith and not know how in the heck you are supposed to do it....yes. I hate it. I am a control freak and I just need to KNOW how things will work. Yet, in my life (which is what I want to tell you on the phone) the Lord has taught me to let go of the reigns and let HIM be in control. He always assures me that we will get there...there might be some bumps on the road, but we will get there!

Much easier said than done...I know!

Stand tall. Accept the $$...one day you will be able to repay this somehow and even better...you will be able to do the same for your kids!


Katy said...

You didn't say anything when I talked to you on Sunday! You just let me complain about how "horrible" my life is right now! I'm so sorry about all of the unknowns! That would be very difficult to be patient in not knowing what will happen in the very near future. I don't know if this will be helpful for you, but being in a similar situation with this pregnancy (AKA we felt right about it, but didn't and still don't know how everything will work out), it may be helpful for you:
1 Nephi 17:3
"And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them , and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them; wherefore, he did provide means for us..."

I know this includes PERSONAL commandments as well!!!


Katy said...

hehe...I just saw someone else left you a scripture too. :) Hope they both help and give you comfort!

K. Bitton said...

Barbara! We are going to miss you so much! You are amazing! Keep your chin up. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know! We love you guys and want you to be well. Even if you just want free babysitting while you and mat eat dinner and watch tv at home:) Those dates can be just as fun! Let me know what I can do for you!

Brittany and Everett said...

Oh Barbara! I have this sisterly love for you, although I have not known you for that long. I Really feel like our lives will one day cross again and so even though your moving we need to stay in touch! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I want you to know that YOU inspire me. You have this undaunting faith that "God will provide for you" and that "everything will work out for the best." A lot of people talk that they have this but you truly do. Your faith radiates from your beautiful self! I will be sad to see you go, but honestly knowing Everett's dream to one day go back to Brasilia or Sau Paulo, we just might take you up on visiting... love you!
I also love your blog!

Kika VilaNova said...

I don't know what to say... a lot of people are going through this unemployment thing and it's not fun. I really don't like my job right now btu i hold on to it because i know so many people dont even have one.
We'll keep you in our prayers, something WILL work out :)

Camila & Glauco said...

eu estou animada que vcs tbm estao indo!!!!! vai tudo dar certo!!!! espero que corra tudo bem durante a mudanca!!!