Thursday, March 25, 2010

I tried to put pictures and the internet went down. So now I just want to write a little something to shake the dust off this thing.

Our tickets are confirmed and April 13th it is. My parents are about to close on purchasing a place in Sao Paulo and it looks like we might really take over their rent. Life is busy but wonderful! At this point I'm surprised at my calmness and how much I'm not worried about Brazil. Maybe we have no idea what's coming at us, but we feel like we have everything we need and that everything will really work out the way it's supposed to. Thank you for the scriptures you've left here the support and prayers!!! We really don't feel like we have a lot on our plates now. We are moving along and we are happy!

For the past days Bea has been teething. I can really see her gums swollen and I can feel how hard it is too. I hope those teeth erupt soon because she has been miserable and FUSSY like I've never seen a child of mine :) She especially likes to fuss at night when we are all asleep (and prefer to remain so), the other day I went to bed at 4:30 trying to calm her. We've been taking turns with tylenol, motrin, teething tablets and orajel. The tablets and orajel seem to be really helpful (thanks Katy!!!)

Isabelle is a talking machine. She watches "finding nemo: 30 times a day. It's AMAZING how she never gets sick of it. She doesn't spend a lot of time actually in front of the TV, she watches segments of the movie, but she needs to have it on at all times for some reason. So I'm working on memorizing the lines (got a lot of them down already).

Mat is 2 weeks away from graduation. We have decided to go celebrate at Texas Roadhouse instead of making a dinner, because we will have nothing in the apartment at that point. Everyone if invited! It will be fun!!!! We went to grad fest today and I took some pictures. I make everything a big deal, I love celebrations and I want him to enjoy every bit of it, sor we will MISS THIS SO MUCH!!!!! Pictures to come.... :)

I'm just counting down the days...I can't decide if I'm nervous of excited...probably both! 19 days.... :)


Paty said...

Babi, I'm glad to hear that things are coming together for you guys. Do you guys have a job offer yet? Hope you do and if not, we'll pray for him to get one soon. Awww, too bad you don't have pictures, I wanna see pics of the girls, they grow so fast.

Teething is definetely not fun, but I don't think I had it as bad with the girls. They dealt w/ it pretty well. Whenever, they seemed to hurt I would try and put oragel but they hated it. I know of some other friends whose babies were miserable during that time...and so were the mommies.

Anyway, my girls love Nemo too, but then again, they like almost every DVD I play for them. I actually just got the Princess and the Frog on Netflix today, but I don't think they were much into it. I'm glad! I didn't like all that bodoo and evil spirits in it.

Katy said...

YEAH for everything going well! Now we really are in similar situations...not knowing how things will working out, but still feeling calm about it. :) I'm glad that Bee is doing better and glad it's teeth and not ears. If you you and Matt ever get to tired of rocking a sad baby, send her to our house. We would LOVE her! :) Thanks again for all you do for us and for all of the love and support right now.

Aline Carson said...

Col, vc PRECISA por fotos aqui pq eu vi uma foto da Bia no facebook e não acreditei que ela já está daquele tamanho. Eu perguntei pro Chris se ele sabia que era e ele disse que não...Eu falei: adivinha! E ele ficou olhando e falou: "É a Biaaaa????" hehehehe...Ta enorme!!!! E linda demais tb.
A Jasmine e o Eric tb adoram assistir Nemo! Col, já estamos esperando vcs pra um churrasco aqui em casa!! hehe