Ola todo mundo....entao eu fico de saco cheio de escrever em ingles e portugues,mas vamos ver se hj sai. Queria so avisar q Isabelle esta falando mais uma palavra: BABY. Eu ficava toda hora mostrando babies pra ela e falando baby baby baby e ontem a televisao ligada e ela ouviu alguem falando baby e falou. A menina desembestou falando baby o dia todo,mas quando eu peco pra ela falar pra mostrar pra alguem ela fica so olhando...mas o importante e q ela esta falando e isso e tao fofo. Ate agora as palavras do vocabulario sao: Mamae, Papai, Au-au, Tchau, Bye, Baby, Vovo, Mi (nao sei o q isso significa,mas ela aponta pra tudo e fala mimimimimi quando ela quer alguma coisa), Que (do verbo querer).
Obrigada por todos os comentarios,realmente o q a Aline falou e verdade, eu prefiro ver Isabelle feliz do q ter presente pra mim,entao hj eu e Mathew tamos indo escolher um presentinho com ela la em Idaho Falls,pq eu quero q ela adore o presente dela...e eu e Mathew vamos nos contentar em ter uma familia linda mesmo, q ja e uma bencao fantastica dos ceus!!!E logo logo passa tb, acredito q dps q terminarmos a escola,esse misere vai acabar!!
Bom, nosso desktop morreu entao nao tenho fotos ainda, mas vamos tentar achar um cabo pra mostrar a Bebelle...ela ta TAO linda..hehehehehe
Hey everyone, it really annoys me to have to translate everything and I'm actually not sure that anyone that ONLY speaks english is coming here frequently, so after this post if no one pronouces him/herself I'm going back to just portuguese and you guys will just look at the pics, hehehehehe
Izzy is saying BABY now, she started saying it yesterday after much practice!!!The words that she can say are: Mommy, Daddy, Dog, "want", Grandma, bye, tchau (bye in portuguese), baby and me (that is the universal word for everything she points and wants)
This Christmas, Mathew and I decided to just get a present for Izzy and not spend any on ourselves. Besides the fact we have no money to do so, we rather see her happy then ourselves, and also all aunts will probably give her presents too, so she will have a few, which will be great!!
We are also trying to upload picstures of Izzy here because our desktop died and so we need to find a cable to transfer all photos to Mathew's mac!!!!
Hope you all have a MERRY Christmas and remember the true meaning of it all. Also let me know if you are in Rexburg, so we can get together, cuz I'll be here right after Christmas and until Christmas eve. (Hey Amanda, haven't heard from u or Hayden in soooo long!!!)
beijinhos XOXO
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dps de mto tempo....
Eu tinha q ter colocado isso aqui no privado e ainda nao fiz isso...q podre neh??mas td bem..logo logo eu faco...mto aconteceu em pouco tempo...terminei mais um semestre e so tenho ate julho agora....sem animo nenhum,mas tenho q tirar isso de algum lugar neh??
Tivemos a graduation da Anna e Audrey esse final de semana foi bem emocionante ve-las entrando,fiquei super feliz....PARABENS MENINAS!!!!!
...Natal e daki a pouco e vi ser o pior ano de toda a nossa vida de casados (nao vamos ter dinheiro pra presentes)-mas temos a Isabelle conosco e estamos felizes de ter essa bencao e felicidade na nossa vida....eu sei q o significado do Natal e o nascimento de Jesus Cristo,mas eu gostaria de saber quem e nao gosta de ganhar presente no Natal?
Ontem foi nosso aniversario de casamento no civil e amanha e selamento no templo,entao tecnicamente nos comemoramos so o dia 17...ganhei um colarzinho do Mathew ontem e um cartao bem fofo...nos iamos no Texas Road house,mas resolvi q e melhor nao,senao ele acaba ficando sem presente no Natal....Ja teve alguem aqui q passou por uma situacao dessas?pq as vezes me parece q so a gente passa por isso....
Em compensacao temos mtas bencaos tb, temos o nosso cargo na igreja q nos ensina,uma educacao numa faculdade maravilhosa(se me perguntar eu digo q e a melhor escola da igreja e uma das melhores dos Estados Unidos,temos saude pra dar e vender,temos casa,comida e roupas pra nos aquecer,temos uma familia adoravel com uma filha feliz e saudavel...entao no final de tudo eu tento me focar nas cosias boas da vida q temos...
e vcs??o q fazem quando se sentem sem saida e sem dinheiro?
Tivemos a graduation da Anna e Audrey esse final de semana foi bem emocionante ve-las entrando,fiquei super feliz....PARABENS MENINAS!!!!!
...Natal e daki a pouco e vi ser o pior ano de toda a nossa vida de casados (nao vamos ter dinheiro pra presentes)-mas temos a Isabelle conosco e estamos felizes de ter essa bencao e felicidade na nossa vida....eu sei q o significado do Natal e o nascimento de Jesus Cristo,mas eu gostaria de saber quem e nao gosta de ganhar presente no Natal?
Ontem foi nosso aniversario de casamento no civil e amanha e selamento no templo,entao tecnicamente nos comemoramos so o dia 17...ganhei um colarzinho do Mathew ontem e um cartao bem fofo...nos iamos no Texas Road house,mas resolvi q e melhor nao,senao ele acaba ficando sem presente no Natal....Ja teve alguem aqui q passou por uma situacao dessas?pq as vezes me parece q so a gente passa por isso....
Em compensacao temos mtas bencaos tb, temos o nosso cargo na igreja q nos ensina,uma educacao numa faculdade maravilhosa(se me perguntar eu digo q e a melhor escola da igreja e uma das melhores dos Estados Unidos,temos saude pra dar e vender,temos casa,comida e roupas pra nos aquecer,temos uma familia adoravel com uma filha feliz e saudavel...entao no final de tudo eu tento me focar nas cosias boas da vida q temos...
e vcs??o q fazem quando se sentem sem saida e sem dinheiro?
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am just really upset with friends that say they are gonna call and don't,friends that are gonna help and don't, friends that say they care and don't but since it is a thanksgiving day I am just going to be grateful for the real and true friends that I have in my life that I can count on and that are always there for me no matter what! I guess we all have disapointments but mine have been overwhelming lately.
I am grateful for people that care about how I feel and that worry about what goes on in my life and they don't just forget you in the middle of the road. I have to say I am very grateful to Aline as my best friend. I don't mean to sound too buttery on this post (but I actually thought about this a lot today), but it truly is the most special friendship I've experienced in my life. Thanks Col....and thank you to all my other friends too and family. You are all special and I love you all deeply (despite occasional disappointments, hehehehehe)
Have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone and I will come back with more pictures of our family.
Barb & cia
I am grateful for people that care about how I feel and that worry about what goes on in my life and they don't just forget you in the middle of the road. I have to say I am very grateful to Aline as my best friend. I don't mean to sound too buttery on this post (but I actually thought about this a lot today), but it truly is the most special friendship I've experienced in my life. Thanks Col....and thank you to all my other friends too and family. You are all special and I love you all deeply (despite occasional disappointments, hehehehehe)
Have a wonderful thanksgiving everyone and I will come back with more pictures of our family.
Barb & cia
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We are going private!!!
Achei essa foto antiga da Bebelle, nao e linda??cresceu tanto ja....estavamos saindo pra andar pra casa da Aline. Aproveitem a belezura da minha gatinha!!! :)
I found this old pic of Izzy, isn't she adorable? we were going on a walk to Aline's house, my best friend that moved back to Brazil. Enjoy her cuteness!!!! :)
Dps do que a minha amiga Audrey escreveu no blog dela e o link q ela deu sobre pessoas que usam imagens de blog e informacao contra as pessoas que criaram o blog,isso aqui vai fechar so pra quem eu conheco. Por favor mandem o seu endereco,assim eu posso adiciona-los. amigos,familia...eu vou fechar o blog amanha,entao por favor facam isso o mais rapido possivel. Quem quiser pode me mandar um email tb assim eu adiciono vcs ta??
tenho q fazer dever ainda hj,entao bjao a todos e uma otima quarta
Hey everyone, since my friend Audrey showed me a link about people that stalk and use blog information to threaten and play stupid games I decided to go private. I wouldn't want any of you to miss out on our familia information so I'm asking you to send your email to me thru the comments page or an email so I can add you to our list. Please do that as soon as possible as I'm going provate tomorrow night!!
I still have some homework to do, but I hope to hear from ya'll soon :)
Babi & cia
Monday, November 3, 2008
HAPPY B-DAY ISABELLE!!! October 31st, 2008
YES she did get a kitten for her b-day but daddy didn't let her keep it....she cried when he took it away from her....if you notice thru her paci she was absolutly thrilled!!!(her name was Lily by the way)
Ela ganhou SIM um gatinho de aniversario,mas o pai dela nao deixou a gente ficar com a gata...o nome dela ia ser lIly e ela tinha ate uma roupinha linda. Ela ta sorrindo por detras da chupeta mas chorou quando o pai tirou a gata dela....tadinha!!!!!
Dps de MTA correria e mto trabalho, finalmente a festinha de um ano da Isabelle aconteceu!Eu achando que tinha tanta coisa adiantada afinal de ultima hora tem sempre a correria...infelizmente nao tive tanta ajuda como esperava,sempre acontecem os imprevistos na vida,mas nao posso deixar de agradecer a Janaina que foi a especialista dos baloes, do bolo e ainda fez o pao de queijo pra mim, e claro a Veronica q apareceu la as 11 da manha e ficou enchendo balao com o Mathew, A Helga q tb chegou la DOENTE pra poder auxiliar e ainda trouxe as mesas do bolo e das comidas...e claro o Mathew q foi minha mao direito na preparacao de tudo na manha da festa!!!Eu fui dormir as 3 da manha na sexta arrumando as coisas,montando pirulitos,colocando tudo em caixas pra ser levado pra o Club house na manha seguinte. Fui dormir preocupadissima com as coisas q tinha q fazer no dia seguinte achando q n ia dar tempo. No sabado as 8 eu tava de pe ja fazendo as coisas. Eu fiz uma lista e em ritmo frenetico frui checking eveything out ate que tinha completado tudo. Mesmo assim eu as 2:15 foi q consegui mandar a Isabelle pronta pro Club house e as 3 eu tava pronta e ja tinha levado o q eu precisava pra la tb...coitados dos q chegaram as 2 (tivemos q adiantar a festa pq tinhamos q sair de la as 8 com tudo limpo e eu queria mto tempo pra poder curtir a festa da pequenina) Ela estava absolutamente LINDA!!!! Ja andando ela estava um charme na sua fantasia de fadinha!!!!(PENSE EM UM ORGULHO DE MAE).
No final tudo deu certo e eu fiquei super feliz com o resultado e faria tudo de novo!!!
Obrigada a todos os convidados por aparecerem e pelos presentinhos da Isabelle, ela amou cada um deles. Obrigada pelos que ajudaram quando chegaram na festa e pelas criancas q trouxeram e aproveitaram tanto. FOI UM SUCESSO!!!
E finalmente minha gatinha tem um aninho!!VIVAAAAAAAAA
So, this weekend we had Izzy's b-day. It was awesome. A toooon of work and I definetly lacked sleep the night before trying to prepare everything I needed to, but in the end it was all worth it. I had so much fun preparing the favors and all the candys for the kids and food. We had too much food actually, which is a relief for me, bc I'm always afraid we'll run out of food in parties. The morning of the birthday party I was running around trying to accomplish my to do list I had made the night before and some people were key in helping me accomplish all the tasks. Thanks so much guys!!!I don't know what I would have done without you!
I can't believe my little girl is one. For those of you that are wondering about the size of the party and all the big deal we make out of it, I'll explain it to you: in my family I always thought of parties like this as a demostration of love. I didn't have parties every year, but when I did, I knew my mom made the best she could at the time. This is definetely our best for now and I'm really pleased with the results. I loved seeing so many people and kids enjoying the party and I would definetly do it again. Thanks everyone that showed up and helped during and after the party. IT WAS A SUCCESS!!!
I can't believe my baby is one!!! hooray!!!!
Bom ai vao fotos....aproveitem...
Here goes the pictures....enjoy!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm it now...
8 things...
8 TV Shows I like to watch:
8 restaurants I like to eat:
8 TV Shows I like to watch:
24 (we are addicted to it, so much we had an overdose and don't to watch anymore until next week...heheheh)
John and Kate + 8
CSI- Las Vegas (and when nothing else NY)
What not to wear
Extreme makeover home edition(makes me cry every time)
Baby Story
Man vs wild....sometimes
8 restaurants I like to eat:
Olive Garden
Texas Road House
Amicis (good and new in Rexburg)
Leatherbys(not a restaurant bu I love it
8 things that happened today:
8 things that happened today:
Isabelle stood up by herself in church and started walking with no help...it lasted almost 2 meters
I took a great nap
I went to see the girl I visit teach that had a baby
I made "peach cake"and it didn't turn out the way i wanted
I went to choir practice and i was beautiful
I watched a frontline documentary about health care systems around the world for a class and it was way interesting
I had a fight with Mathew
I worried about money
8 things on my wish list:
8 things I'm looking forward to:
a trip to Brazil
another baby when the time is right
getting all the seasons of Charmed once I have money
getting my car from Mary Kay'
traveling to Europe, especially Portugal to see old friends
a masters degree in nutrition
moving to a BIG CITY with lots of people and pollution(jk about the pollution....rexburg just drives me nuts sometimes)
OHHH I"m really looking forward to Christmas too!!!
8 things on my wish list:
FABULOUS SHOES that will cost 100 dollars and I will buy with no second thoughts ( I have been obcessed with shoes lately bc I haven't bought any in a loooong time)
losing all the wight I'm working out to lose
moving to Brazil some day
having a huge family and a good life
moving to a house some day
a cruise with my hubby (like a secong honeymoon)
a new lap top
exaltation I would say is something I look for, but for now a bit unrealistic :)
8 People I tag:
8 People I tag:
Whoever wants to spend some time thinking hard about what to say.... :) I would enjoy reading if any of you wrote anything.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The translation to my post
Ok, so I feel really bad that people that don't speak nay portuguese will come here and not understand a word of what's going on in our lives. So I will do a quick translation, especially bcuz I don't remember everything I wrote just a couple of hours ago.
Isabelle is turning one on the 31st of this month (my little halloween baby) and we are so excited. I have been preparing for her party since last week and this weekend will be hectic as well so I can get as much done before hand. The "theme"of the party will be "Enchanted forest"and she will be dressed up as a fairy. The decorations are pretty much done and so this weekend I just have to worry about cooking some of the food and freezinf it for the big day. The sweets (brigadeiro and beijinho- brazilian traditional candy for birthday parties) are done and the cake will be done o thrusday and decorated on Friday. I can believe she's almost one. Time flew by and she really is a little girl now, her features chenged so much and the baby face is gone (she keeps changing more and more though so I might think she still had the baby face a few weeks from now)
School is killing me sometimes, especially bcuz of the amount of hours I put in, studying is really not so much a problem bcuz I try to just really learn things in class and do the necessities at home. I feel guilty not spending time playing with Izzy but I also understand it's a price I have to pay to graduate, and I love my major and I love the things I'm learning, definetly would not give up school for nothing in the world.
We have no exciting news really, just that I am very pumped for the Holidays this year. I think it will be extremely fun to see Izzy running around and playing with us. We don't know what we're doing for Christmas and New Year but we'll figure out something amazing.
Overall we feel very blesses having our little girl with us, she's the joy of our lives and so much fun to be around, she loves to blow kisses and cuddle with her stuffed animals, she especially loves her dogs. We seriously need to get her a pet once we move to a house. She is also bablling and says mama and papa perfectly, no english words so far though, which is fine, bcuz she'll learn eventually. I think the only think in english she says is "bye-bye" and it's adorable.
Also my friend that has been helping me care for Izzy while I'm in school is moving to SLC and so my last two semesters are gonna be tough without her. I don't really know what we're gonna do, we're still trying to figure it out. Mathew's mom might com,e but we don't know if the winter is better of the summer. Any suggestions?
I ended up pouring out a lot more in english than in portuguese, but at least you are all updated now right??
I'm gonna go and get something done so I don't feel like a bum all day.
Oh!!I almost forgot Izzy has two teeth coming out, that makes 8 total....HOLY COW!!!she is fussy with this one...I bet it hurts like heck, so I really don't mind her fussiness when I know she's in pain...gotta love being a mom..... :)
Enjoy the pics....
De volta as noticias
Essa e uma foto q nao tem como nao sorrir quando se olha rpa ela como disse a Aline,a cara da Bebeblle ta tao feliz...mto linda!
Essa foi a Bebelle comendo feijao preto....
Mandando beijo pra camera....Comendo banana sozinha!Esse dia ela nao quis minha ajuda,eu so consegui dar comida,quando dei a colher pra ela e ela batia no prato e fazia meleca enquando eu colocava colheradas na boca dela...
Dentro do saco do presente q o papai dela tinha me dado!
Na festa da Melissa(filha de Etinha) bem na frente do Thomas...hehehehe
A mulherada na festa da Melissinha...(repara nas pulseiras de Bebelle...ABALOU!!!)
Voltando da igreja mto lina....
Dentro do carro a caminho de IF compenetrada...
Me abrindo...E finalmente toda feliz com as gracinhas da mamae...
Eu e papai antes de passearmos em IF (repara q mesmo o cabelo dela tendo crescido as fotos recentes ela ta com MTO mais cabelo....cresceu como capim!!EBAAAA)
Essa foi no aeroporto de SLC quando estavamos indo pro Brasil (ela tava doentinha e ranhentinha)
Eu fiquei tanto tempo sem postar,me falta energia pra poder colocar mil fotos e passar fotos pro computador. A vida anda uma loucura. Hj por acaso minhas aulas foram canceladas e a Isabelle ta com mais 2 dentes nascendo,entao ela ta beeeeeem dolorida coitada,dei um tylenol e coloquei pra dormir,vamos ver se funciona!!!A melhor coisa e acostumar crianca a dormir no berco, e uma blz...inclusive ela acha q nossa cama e farra,entao ela so dorme mesmo quando ta sozinha e no berco dela (QUE BENCAO!!!)
Tenho umas fotinhos noas,coloquei algumas no orkut,mas vo colocar umas aqui tb pra vcs verem.
Esta tudo bem com a gente, a Isabelle ta mto esperta e ja anda pequenas distancias e tem se equilibrado bem mais...vai ser fofo quando ela comecar a andar mesmo, mas por enquanto e mais facil dela so engatinhar mesmo.
Mais da metade do semestre ja passou e daqui a uma semana e a festa da Bebelle,esse fds sao os ultimos preparativos,e ai vai ser a maior correria pra fazer tudo no sabado adiantando o q eu preciso. Na quinta e sexta vou encher baloes e montar os pirulitos pra festa dela,ai tem coisas q so vai dar pra fazer no sabado mesmo,tipo o arroz e a salada! A decoracao vai ser colocado no sabado de manha tb la no club house!Estou super animada!!!
Nao to com paciencia pra traduzir...qq dia desses eu traduzo pras minhas amigas americanas...hehehehehe
Babi e cia...
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